lundi 27 avril 2009

Rapport sur les droits de l'homme dans l'armée française 2005-2008

The association ADEFDROMIL (association de défense des droits des militaires) involved in the defense of human rights in the French army has published a reports on the rights in the army and gendarmerie. France does not respect the European legislation in this domain : interdiction to create associations or syndicates, to talk publicly about the work conditions, no limit of work time (some gendarme may work 100 hours a week without being paid more than if they would work 35 hours), moral or sexual harassement, blocage of information and falsification of documents when people try to complain, discrimination, etc. As a result, soldiers and gendarmes are not treated as citizens and have less rights than other people. See about it the article and photos published in the site of information Rue 89 by Jacques Bessy : Entraînement très spécial à la Légion étrangère and Droits de l'homme dans l'armée française : la régression

This 78 pages report is available for 10 € at the address of ADEFDROMIL: 28, rue d’Edimbourg, 75008 - Paris - Tel : 01 42 93 30 52

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