vendredi 22 juin 2012

A. D. Winans: my late Russian poet friend, Aleksey Dayen

Aleksey Dayen. Photo by Pavel Antonov. New York, 2001

I have spoken over time about  the loss of my Russian poet and photographer friend, Aleksey Dayey, who died in his thirties from food poisoning, after having beaten cancer only month earlier.
Terry Clark, a singer-songwriter from the UK, posted information on him on his web site.  Aleksey was coming to SF to film a documentary on my life, and Terry wrote three songs for the movie. 
Ginger has copied the information (with approval of Terry) to a blog site she has created for me (which she administers).  You can access the site by clicking on the link below.

Aleksey Dayen and A.D. Winans

A.D. Winans

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